Accelerate research, reliability and failure analysis studies of semiconductor devices, materials and process development with the 4200A-SCS. The highest performance parameter analyzer, it delivers synchronizing current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and ultra-fast pulsed I-V measurements.
EnquiryPut your new technologies to the test with thorough pulsed I-V characterization. The 4200A-SCS comes with support and ready-to-run tests for the latest in NVRAM technologies from floating gate flash to ReRAM and FeRAM. Dual sourcing and measuring capabilities in current and voltage allow both transient and I-V domain characterization.
Use Keithley’s custom Very Low Frequency C-V Technique to analyze the capacitance of your high resistance sample. This technique is performed using only source measure unit (SMU) instruments but can be combined with a 4210-CVU to perform higher frequency measurements as well.
Use 4201 or 4211-SMUs when making tests requires very long cabling or fixtures with higher capacitances. These SMUs are ideal for connecting to LCD test stations, probers, switch matrices or any other large or complicated tester. Field installable versions allow you to add capacity without returning the unit to a service center.