Microscopes offered by Buehler generally fall into the categories of stereo microscopes, upright microscopes, or inverted microscopes. Inverted microscopes are commonly referred to as metallurgical microscopes. Microscopes may offer episcopic (reflected light) observation, diascopic (transmitted light) observation, or both possibilities. Illumination may be delivered in bright field mode (BF) or dark field mode (DF), and several techniques such as differential interference contrast (DIC) and polarized light microscopy make use of the nature of light to reveal specific pieces of information when studying materials.
EnquiryZoom Stereo Microscopes from Nikon with high resolution and macro magnification of parts. Perfect for large sample analysis and multi-focal imaging.
Inverted Microscopes are compact, durable and used for high magnification needs. They are ideal for mount sample analysis with flat sample surfaces and are equipped to use multiple light sources from BF, DF, DIC & POL for analysis variation.
Upright Industrial Microscopes are versatile upright microscopes suitable for reflected and/or transmitted light applications. Perfect for high magnification needs with samples that are not flat or mounted.
Polarized light allows monitoring of thickness & uniformity of the specimen.
OmniMet™ delivers powerful image analysis possibilities combined with flexible database functionality. The OmniMet system offers seamless point-to-click integration of microscopes, cameras, and image analysis software via an intuitive Microsoft® Windows® interface.