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The A.P. van den Berg CPT Truck is a vehicle suitable for soil investigations in pushing capacities from 140 to 200 kN or even more.
A.P. van den Berg has more than 40 years’ experience in manufacturing CPT Trucks based on many different trucks and models. The all-wheel drive 6x6 model has proven most popular among customers. The frame of the truck is reinforced with a subframe to take the forces occurring during the Cone Penetration Tests. The truck’s total weight is sufficient to provide the maximum pushing force.
The well-proven twin cylinder HYSON 200 kN penetrometer is installed in the CPT Truck. The hydraulic upper clamp is an efficient addition to the functionality of the HYSON 200 kN. The penetrometer is operated via the touch screen (HMI).
EnquiryWe can help you with a solution tailor to your specific need.