Atlas is the leader in providing small benchtop photo stability exposure testing instruments based on preferred xenon arc lamp technology (Option 1) of the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Guideline Q1B Stability Testing: Photostability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products. It is also used for testing to ICH Guideline Q5C Stability Testing of Biotechnological/Biological Products, VICH GL5 Stability Testing: Photostability Testing of New Veterinary Drug Substances and Medicinal Products (Revision), and other related standards.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) as well as the Final Pharmaceutical Product (FPP) must be tested for photostability according to the International Commission on Harmonization Guidelines and are adopted by the major governmental regulatory agencies.
Atlas’ SUNTEST instruments meet the requirements for the Option 1 D65 and ID65 light sources, preferred by most researchers and the most cited in research publications, as they overcome the many limitations of the Option 2 fluorescent lamp based chambers. You can trust SUNTEST to provide accurate and defensible data for your regulatory filings, including packaging decisions and expiration dates.