With a quick heating up of the wafer into a set high temperature and again cooling it down, the creation or activation of the semiconducting channel at the heart of each transistor is done by selectively turning the top few atomic layers to a semiconductor from an insulator. By the name of RTP or rapid thermal processing, this critical process is known. During the manufacture of any semiconductor device, Rapid Thermal Processing is used repeatedly for purposes like changing the state of material or activating implanted dopants of materials for enhancing the desired attributes.
For several applications, spike, soak or millisecond anneals and dry rapid oxidation is applied. The choice of technology mainly depends on various factors like the device tolerance for withstanding a certain time/temperature exposure at a particular point in the sequence of manufacturing. The complete range of RTP technologies is encompassed by ANNEALSYS portfolio of the lamp and laser-based systems which offer extendible solutions for such advanced-node challenges as loading pattern, thermal budge reduction, interface quality optimization, and current leakage. Being the most trusted solutions provider in the Middle East for more than 40 years, BCL brings to you an advanced range of solutions from ANNEALSYS. To get them, contact us immediately.