The process of reducing the heat transfer among objects in thermal contact or in a range of radiative influence is known as thermal insulation. The process comprises of low expanded polystyrene thermal conductivity materials which are combines for achieving a much lower system thermal conductivity. This thermal insulation can be achieved with processes or methods which are specially engineered along with suitable object shapes and materials.
The most important thermophysical material parameters to describe the properties of heat transport of a component or material are diffusivity and thermal conductivity. The Laser Flash technique (LFA) has been proven as a versatile, fast, and precise absolute method for the precise measurement of thermophysical properties like thermal diffusivity. Four LFA models are offered by NETZSCH which covers the complete spectrum of temperatures and materials. These are exclusively supplied in the Middle East by BCL. The GHP 456 Titan is the ideal instrument for determining the thermal conductivity of insulations based on an absolute measurement method. With the help of heat flow meters (HFM), the thermal conductivity which is another significant thermophysical property can be determined with the plate method for insulators.